Green Neighbors

Who are Green Neighbors?


A group of neighbors getting greener every day! We recycle paper, plastic, glass and cans through the county's weekly pickup system - here's what you can put in your blue recycling bin.  We've got Green Recommendations, including native plants.  Not only that, we also collect scrap metal and install more efficient light bulbs, etc.

What is scrap metal?

Nails, tops of cans and bottles, keys, toasters and anything made of metal which you would normally toss in the trash when busted or rusty.  Instead, save it for recycling!

What was the Scrap Metal Recycling Competition?

In the Spring of 2008, Carderock Springs participated in the nation's first ever neighborhood vs. neighborhood recycling competition to see which neighborhood could collect the most scrap metal.  Both neighborhoods - Carderock Springs and nearby Cabin John - were winners!  On average each household collected 30 pounds of scrap metal in just 6 weeks.  That's tons of scrap metal which was recycled instead of requiring more natural resources to be mined.

Since that time we have focused on educating the Carderock Community and implementing the 5 R's in our everyday habits. The 5 R's are:

Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle.